
Working with disadvantaged groups of small and marginal farmers, dalits, tribal and landless women farmers in the semiarid regions of South India has empowered communities through adaptation of proven traditional practices. Efforts that began with a few farmers in few villages and with a few seed varieties has grown that encompasses more than 15000 organic farmers, seed savers, seed producers and farmer breeders from 20 districts of Karnataka increasing to an astounding diversity of seeds that are preserved in the 34 community seed banks, which has not only strengthened the local seed supply system but are effective farmer organizations, managed by women, who are heart of entire seed-movement in the south India and they have emerged as leaders and torch bearers inspiring many in following them.

We have networked with 250 NGOs, Farmer groups, Research institutions, Media, consumer councils and schools to instilling biodiversity based ecological agriculture systems across India. Nearly 37,000 Acres, 15,000 organic farmers, 6340 farmer breeders and seed savers from 20 districts of Karnataka strive to conserve more than 800 varieties of rice,120 millets, 23 Indian cotton, 32 wheat, 56 eggplant, 52 pulses, 182 vegetables and many traditional fruit varieties.

20 years of ongoing seed conservation has expanded into field research and strategic research at national level with growing recognition and appreciation for the farmers seed systems. This has been a remarkable achievement. The traditional diversity was getting extinct and unique feature of onfarm conservation was initiated and today the organization boasts of conservation of more 3000 crops. This agricultural biodiversity has grown bounds and leaps with farmers in the forefront of preserving and revitalizing the practice of seed saving. With reusing seeds farmers have carefully selected crops for various traits adapted to many growing conditions and climates, creating a rich heritage of seeds and developing new farmer varieties.

Using sophisticated laboratory analysis for nutrition profiling of traditional crops, the organisation has popularised all the nine millets, roots and tubers, different varieties of Jackfruit, also 40 varieties of Rice and some coloured rices that consumers have included in their diet through organising awareness programmes that bring in consumers and producers together.

Roots and Tubers ‘unheard and unseen’ underground treasures, an important part of staple diet of many tribal communities has been revived. Communities are learning and reviving their traditional food habits that included roots and tubers.

The organization in the last few years has been creating a gender sensitive environment that enhances women leadership skills. Women have demonstrated the importance of a strong movement for promoting organic farming and seed revival programmes that has contributed to livelihoods by creatively marketing value added products, cultivated food crops and also wild agricultural produce. Formation of producer groups both Desi Seed Producer Company and Sahaja Organics have been a majorly successful and paved way for building market oriented producer collectives.